Election post


Hi this is Chloe! I started my dance portfolio with K-pop dance lessons since Grade 7 as extra-curricular activities and now have jazz-funk, street dance and heels added. Dancing to me is not only a hobby, it is a momentum, an attitude, a commitment that derived from it, and all of that being applicable to every life spectrum. I joined a public showcase performance earlier in HK, apart from the amazing performances from dancers, I saw the success of the showcase attributed much also to the dedication of staff in organising the event from a zero position until show date and similarly the 24H Show I joined last month. I decided to devote myself to dance more not even on stage but also from backstage – cohering dance loving freshers especially, letting many others to recognise the joy, fun, relaxation and friendship the dance family offers. I am a good team player which is demonstrated in my experience as a volunteer worker in an NGO as well as other societies I joined in high school involving lots of meetings and communication. I gained valuable experience from different roles, as a researcher supporting other team members, chief graphic designer for student union newsletter publication to being the chairlady of my high school maths team which, in addition to being both a choreographer and a dancer, makes me feel competent in fulfilling my responsibilities in the Dance Society. It would be my pleasure to be your freshers representative!