Election post


Over the last eight weeks of term I have been lucky enough to stand in as an interim events officer for CAS. This experience has given me an extremely thorough understanding of how CAS functions, how it relates to other external and internal organisations, and how events coordination plays a vital role in providing opportunities for our members and strengthening the impact of our activism. 

During this time, I have helped to deliver three major events, including the freshers social, the student X staff art blocking session, and most notably our Climate Action Conference. I am proud to say that by working hard to recruit independent speakers and collaborating with organisers from other universities, I was able to significantly refine my skills at third party outreach to deliver a successful event. 

Outside of CAS I have had the opportunity to develop my outreach skills even further. For two months this summer I liaised with international organisations whilst completing an internship, which demanded high levels of persistence, time management, and communication skills. 

These experiences have taught me how to be effective in demanding outreach positions and how to efficiently organise collaborative events. 

CAS is a passionate society of students with the ability to make a lasting impact. I firmly believe that as an Outreach and Collaborations Officer, I would be able to provide the best possible opportunities for all CAS members to take effective action we believe in.