Election post


Hi, I’m Clarissa and I’m running for Bolt captain. When I joined cheer last year, I was so nervous about starting a new sport and apprehensive about what the cheer community would be like. Thankfully, overcoming these nerves was the best decision as I'm now in love with cheer. I want to help create a positive, inclusive community where people can have fun and feel fulfilled. As your captain, I pledge to support training sessions so we can be the best to smash competitions! 

I have strong communication skills from working as an audiologist in the NHS. I can apply these in training to encourage discussion about why stunts aren't working but also celebrate when stunts hit. Having formed friendships with my stunt group last year, we had better communication as the year went on which I would love to have again. 

I'm dedicated to cheer, having attended cheer camp and open gyms outside of uni alongside practice. I’d like to think I'm approachable so if you have concerns, I’m happy to listen so that you have an enjoyable season. I realise cheer isn't your whole life(?) so it’s normal for athletes to have bad cheer days. I'll show compassion and emotional support to try to bring you back into a better head space. I want to show my own resilience when I’m having a bad cheer day by getting back on the mat after a wobble to motivate you to bounce back to find your “why” for doing cheer. I know have huge boots to fill but will work hard to be the best captain I can be. Lightning Love <3