Election post


Why am I standing? Well as a member of board games society I'm sure you know that board games are pretty fun. And I want to bring more of that fun  to more people.  Wether that's new board games to create friendships or break friendships  I'll do my best to give it to you, yes even if you do want monopoly or a 15th edition of quartermaster.

I will try to better bring in first years into our societies events and hopefully encourage more first years then ever before to join in. If you ever have any questions or have something you want the society to try I'll always have open ears. This goes to all members of the society not just the first years. Furthermore, I personally assure you that my bribes will be very reasonably priced and will be available to all members equally.

So wether you are a co operative player, a war gamer or just a bit of a backstabber ( you know who you are) I'd appreciate it if you'd vote for me. But wether you vote for me or not I look forward to meeting you all at future events.