Election post



As someone studying PPE with Data Science, I have a multi-disciplinary academic foundation that will allow an alternative prospective compared to pure CS Students, which typically run for positions in such societies. Professionally, I have served as Vice President for three societies where I learned valuable societal organisation skills, all of which will serve me well while supporting the Executive Committee.

More recently, through my involvement with AI Society Nexus Labs, I have become deeply fascinated by emerging technologies like blockchain, crypto, and Web3. While my university does not offer direct coursework in these subjects, I have undertaken independent study to further my knowledge, and remain passionate about continuously learning in this fast-changing subject.

If selected as your Welfare Officer, I will work to:

1. Roll out wellness initiatives to promote work-life balance as members juggle academics and lab commitments

2. Facilitate networking and community-building events to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing

3. Liaise with relevant university departments to streamline access to resources and support

4. Maintain an open line of communication so members feel comfortable bringing any concerns forward

5. Evaluate ongoing needs and recommend new programs or adjustments based on membership feedback


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