Election post


Hi (: I'm Vincent and I'm running to be your next amazing Vice President. 

What's so cool about psychedelics? Why do I find it cool? Why do I want others to find it cool?

Over the summer, I've studied under Dr Christian Greer, the Stanford professor of psychedelic religion and spirituality (probably the coolest professor I've met), and have discovered a whole different side of conscious experience and history, which for me opens a new dimension of life. From there I became a member of the Research Network for the study of Esoteric Practices (RENSEP), where Christian and I are involved with other academics in exploring these experiences, a big portion of which is related to psychedelic culture. For me I hope to share my interest with others, and hope to do this with the rest of the committee which have done a great job so far (:

Why me though? I've taken on social roles in 3 committees across my time at UCL, and have gotten pretty good at organising things and people, which I hope to continue as Vice President. I really hope to do something nice for this community of people this year, and regardless enjoy what the committee have lined up next.