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Nominations: Nominations closed

Voting: Voting open



Alexandra Peet

I wish to continue the Interim Social Secretary position, to become the Social Secretary for the rest of the year. 

Already, I have organised the Classics Society Christmas Social, which will take place at the beginning of December. I have many other ideas for the rest of the year, and plans for socials we have put on in previous years. Collaborations with History Society as well as helping with Classics Society Welfare events come to mind. I also email and make phone calls daily, so have practiced the skills needed for this role often.

Events we could put on: Latin Scrabble, 'mosiac' scrapbooking and collabs with the Spoken Latin and Greek clubs to really immerse us in the language. We could have a Classical World book club to incorporate a wider range of themes to the Society such as Classical Reception with books like The Secret History, or even just a myth per month to discuss.

My dream job is to be a Secretary/PA, so I am very enthusiastic about this  position !!