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Ara Kim

I am running for head of life drawing because it reminds me of the natural flow of life. I've always been drawn to the arts because of its multi-faceted aspects, but especially with freedom of expression and identity. Life is always changing, similarly to the dynamic moments that you can capture during a life drawing session, so it's easy to dwell in hardship. I love that art allows me to find beauty in hardships. Amidst the chaos we, all having creative potential, can notice life's beauties that we may not typically observe if we allow the chaos to consume us. To me, life drawing reminds me of this tenet and pulls me back into the present. The present is all we have. If we let chaos take control of our lives we may not notice how art is truly all around us. By being head of life drawing, I'd like to elevate the experience of the sessions themselves and also introduce events where we can explore the world and take life drawing anywhere and everywhere. I intend to enable visits to art galleries but also in nature, or even explore urban drawing where we simply notice life and capture small moments on canvas; teaching us to be more present and practice the 'simple' act of noticing.