Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting open

As President of UCL Salsa Society this year I have had the privilege to collaborate and engage with many other artsUCL groups, and to find out a lot more about what it means to be part of artsUCL. I would love to be part of the Awards Panel to review all the nominations and to award the societies (and committees!) that have put so much of their time into running fabulous events (and more) for all of us this year!

ArtsUCL has been the best part of my uni experience. I’ve met some of my closest friends through performing, and I’m constantly amazed by the incredible talent in our community. Every year, ArtsUCL somehow gets even better, and this one was no exception. I’d love to be on the panel for everyone’s favourite event, Arts Awards, and give back to the community that’s given me so much. I’ve made it my mission to see as many performances as possible across different societies, so I’d like to think I can judge fairly!