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Your Role

Lead the Union’s Disabled Students’ Network in continuing to build an engaging, dynamic, and rewarding community of disabled students and make sure that the Network caters to and is inclusive of all its members. Represent the collective interests and needs of disabled students to decision-making bodies within the Union. Working alongside and supported by the Equity & Inclusion Officer, represent these collective interests to UCL and beyond.

Issues You May Work On

As a Student Officer, you will work closely with students and Sabbatical Officers. Issues may vary depending on student concern. However, previous Officers have worked on issues such as:

  • Developing a community of Disabled Students within the Union by spearheading and supporting events and creating opportunities for your peers and convening the Disabled Students’ Network.
  • Represent the voice of Disabled students in Students’ Union decision making and nationally at the NUS Disabled Student’s Conference.
  • Working with the Sabbatical team, to develop a report to help lobby UCL to make areas of student support and the campus more accessible.

Meetings You Will Attend

  • Hold voting rights in all three Policy Zones (Education Zone, Welfare & Community Zone, Activities Zone)
  • Union Executive – Eight meetings throughout the year
  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Your Eligibility

Any continuing UCL student who self-defines as disabled.

Time Required For Role

This is a part-time, unpaid position. You are expected to arrange meetings of the Disabled Students Network Committee, attend relevant Zone meetings and attend Union Executive, approx. 15-20 hours per term. This role allows job shares.

Welcome and Training

The role is supported by a full programme of training, development and support to help build all of the skills and knowledge required and to support longer term personal development.

Questions: email [email protected]