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“A recurring issue is the state of the sanitary facilities at UCL. Unfortunately, toilets are often either out of order or just too dirty to use. In order to improve this situation, I reported this problem to the faculty representative, who has voiced this issue in a meeting with faculty staff. As a result, educational flyers about how to properly use sanitary facilities has been distributed.”
– A Brain Sciences Rep

“Lecture theatres like Logan Hall were way too large, had issues with the internet, and made for uncomfortable and irritating spots during examination period, and upon discussing this, the management listened to our concerns and improved the locations of examinations in Term 2.”
– A Biomedical Sciences Rep

“We were having a rodent problem in our student office. The reps worked with the faculty to get more traps, remove open rubbish bins, and establish rules for food in the office.”
– A Biochemical Engineering Rep

"Some students approached me about the water supply issue in Chandler House. Previously only cold tap water is provided in the building and many hope there could be hot drinking water too. This was reported at the SSCC meeting of Term 2 and later that term we were emailed that a hot water tap was installed in the building. Due to the Convid-19 situation I haven't been able to check it in person but I hope prospective students could benefit from it."
– Linguistics Rep

"Fixing broken plugs in the Cruciform library: Issue was raised on unitu, I helped escalate this to staff by 'opening' the post for staff to see, Somar Albani spoke to library staff and these broken plugs were fixed within a week. Fixing the cruciform lift."
– Medical School Rep

"One issue we faced was the temperature in offices and labs. I managed to request heaters/fans for students. There are plans to refurbish the offices, which already went underway before COVID-19."
– Pharmacy Rep

"One of the achievements that I was proud of is making sure that our lab is indeed open to the students of our course 24/7 as it was supposed to be. The point about this is that even though the classroom itself is open on Sunday, the building where the classroom is was not. So I reported that to the faculty in one of the SSCC meetings. The faculty contacted the security and they solved it. And then the students are able to work on campus during weekends if they like. "

"With the other student reps we managed to get a an audit of drinking water in the entire building."
– Neurology Rep

"We got phones to ring the lecturers to let us into floor 4 offices set up as they are inaccessible by undergrads otherwise, especially for office hours."
– Mathematics Rep

"I think I was successful in relaying the concerns of students in meetings at both department level and faculty level. Examples of this was the growing concern of students through out the first and second term in terms of issues with Jeffery Hall in the IOE. Many students within my department were complaining about the drilling that was going on during lectures on. Though this took a long time to resolve (over 8 weeks) due to various communication issues with Estates and the contractor,  the process of raising it at department level, at the SSCC and the FRF meetings was very helpful as it meant the issue was escalated with urgency each time I raised it. Beginning open discussions with the department in terms of introducing a wider variety of assessments within the department has also been helpful. PGT students especially have felt that their voice has been heard as the department plans to introduce other forms of assessment in the future including oral defence and presentations."
– Psychology and Human Development Rep

"When my colleagues moved into the hospital accommodation there was a number of things wrong and it was largely unsuitable for habitation - one student found cockroaches under their bed, and we were told there was legionella in the water. With my fellow Watford rep, we gathered feedback from the students and communicated this at a SSC with faculty. As a result, the Watford students were transferred to hotel accommodation for the remainder of the course."
- Medical School Rep