Your Role

You will be a full time Sabbatical Officer of the Students’ Union working full time to provide leadership to the Students’ Union’s services; and representing the interests of students to UCL, including particiapting in UCL committees and regular meetings with senior staff.

You will lead the Union’s BME Network in continuing to build an engaging, dynamic and rewarding community of BME students on campus and make sure that the Network caters to and represents all of its members. You will have the opportunity to create and run campaigns on issues affecting BME students and work alongside existing campaigns and organisations at national level, and will have oversight on the social events and activities organised by the Network.

You will work towards improving the visibility and experiences of BME students at UCL and lead the Union’s work to oppose racism and discrimination. You will represent BME students’ interests to UCL, the Union and external organisations such as NUS to make sure that issues relevant to BME students are addressed. The Black and Minority Ethnic Network represents the views of students’ at UCL who self-define as BME, including but not limited to, students with African, Asian, Arab and Caribbean heritages.


Your Responsibility

  • Represent the interests and needs of BME students to decision-making bodies within the university, the Union and beyond
  • Convene and lead the BME Network to build a strong and supportive community of BME students at UCL
  • Lead the Union’s campaigns on issues faced by BME students on campus, including working with like-minded campaigns at a national level
  • Take a lead in organisation and shaping ongoing projects such as the Union’s work for Black History Month


Your Eligibility

All students who self-define as Black or Minority Ethnic


Time Required For Role

This is a full time role over a 12.5 month period, from 1 July 2020 – 15 July 2021

35 hours per week plus a range of additional events

Salary: £25k (approx.)