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Your Role

Represent the collective interests and needs of students relating to affordable, accessible, and good quality living environments to the Union. Working with the Welfare & Community Officer, represent the needs and priorities that students have with the living accommodation within UCL, the University of London and beyond.

Issues You May Work On

As a Student Officer, you will work closely with students, as well as Sabbatical Officers. Issues may vary depending on student concern. However, previous Officers have worked on issues such as:

  • Working with the Welfare & Community Officer to campaign for affordable, accessible and good quality housing provision for UCL students living outside university accommodation.
  • Working with the Sabbatical team to lobby UCL to maintain and expand the UCL Rent Guarantor Scheme.
  • Arrange drop-in clinics to provide advice and support for students in private accommodation.

Meetings You Will Attend

  • Welfare & Community Zone – Five meetings throughout the year, and working with the Welfare & Community Officer you will meet staff from UCL accommodation.
  • Hall Rep Forum - This a meeting you will chair for Hall Reps to feed back about their experiences of UCL Accommodation.

Your Eligibility

Any continuing UCL student

Time Required For Role

This is a part-time, unpaid position. You are expected to attend Welfare and Community Zone meetings and spend time speaking with students, including the network of elected Halls Reps, to be able to represent their interests to the Union on accommodation issues, approx. 10-15 hours per term. Job shares are welcome.

Welcome and Training

The role is supported by a full programme of training, development and support to help build all of the skills and knowledge required and to support longer term personal development.

Questions: email [email protected]