Danilo Pagnelli, incoming LGBTQ+ Officer & committee member for 50+ societies

Meet Danilo Pagnelli, future LGBTQ+ officer, and the longest running committee member of the LGBTQ+ Network.

The founder of Soap Opera Society, Cat Café Society, Sims Society (to name a few!), tells us about his diverse experience being on 50+ UCL societies, and his journey to preventing loneliness on campus.

Committed to creating new societies

My name is Danilo and I am a 22 year old UCL student. I study BA Ancient Languages part-time and I am going into my fifth year in September.

I have been on the committee of the LGBTQ+ Network since October 2020 and I am the longest running committee member (I feel old!). I have been on the committee of 50+ other societies in UCL, and I have founded 5 societies so far, which I am president of. Next year I will be your LGBTQ+ Officer along with Anji.

Organising LGBTQ+ events

This year I served as Social Secretary, which I have absolutely LOVED. I have independently organised and hosted three or more LGBTQ+ events every single week, including Speed-Friendings, picnics, collabs, movie nights, Cupcake Socials, Kahoots, Cat Café visits and more.

I also organised and hosted all the LGBTQ+ Network socials for Welcome Week, along with sharing resources, signpost students and share information about LGBTQ+ life and resources. I have also organised many collabs with different societies, networks and other university LGBTQ+ groups, which has been one of my favourites.

My mission is to reduce loneliness

Loneliness is not uncommon and it is nothing to be ashamed of. I run so many LGBTQ+ events so people have enough opportunity to meet others. Through running these, I've met new people and helped others along the way to make friends. Making events as accessible as possible to everyone is something that really motivates me.

Connecting with communities

Aside from being awarded an Honorary Lifetime Membership by Students' Union UCL and being awarded Personality of the Year, my biggest highlight has been organising inter-uni collabs: I contacted 95+ universities across the UK and the world (including the University of Auckland in New Zealand!) to organise collabs between the UCL LGBTQ+ Network and their LGBTQ+ groups.

It has been awesome to connect with communities across the globe on a subject so close to my heart.

A message to my past self

If I could give a message to my first year self, I would say to not be discouraged if things do not go the way that you thought they would! Don't give up and always try out those ideas that you have.