If you are interested in a career in the UK, on this page you can find relevant information for international students.


UCLU Guide to Employment

Click here for UCLU’s simple guide to employment in the UK, explaining many of the common words and conditions used in the UK relating employment such as self-employment, international students advice and relevant organisations that deal with employment. 

Careers service


UCL Career Services offers careers information, advice and guidance to all UCL students. They also run workshops, networking events and themed recruitment fairs and you can book an appointment with them to explore your career options or get interview advice. For more information on the service and see how it might benefit you, click this link. If you want to keep up to date with the latest career events, sign up for UCLAlert!


UCLU Clubs and Societies

Many campus societies specialise in helping students gain skills and approach the job market. They are students like you interested in a certain career path and they organise events and workshops with campus employers. They can help you make a more informed decision, while also expanding your network and making new friends. 

Some of these societies are:

Careers Group

The University of London has its own careers advice center, The Careers Group. You can find many graduate roles and opportunities on their website.

Search for Jobs

If you are looking for a place to start, try the Careers Group job search engine, JobOnline. If you are looking for short-term employment such as part-time jobs during your studies, try UCLU JobShop

Recruitment Fairs

In the first term of every year, UCL is organising a series of recruitment fairs in campus. Numerous companies attend and students have the chance to network with potential employers and learn about internships and graduate roles opportunities. The fairs are split by sectors such as management consultancy, banking and finance and engineering. Find out more about the fairs here


Skills4Work is an initiative organised jointly by UCLU and UCL Careers giving you the opportunity to meet employers and develop the skills needed to start your career when you leave UCL. They organise events, workshops and discussions which may be useful to attend. Check out their website here

UCL Advances

If you would be interested in starting your own business rather than joining a company after graduation, UCL Advances can help you. They are the centre for entrepreneurship at UCL, offering training, networking and business support for staff, students and external entrepreneurs to encourage and enable new enterprises to get going.

Visas and Immigration

International students need a work visa in order to pursue employment in the UK. Find out everything you need to know about this from the official UK Government website





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