Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

To be an great welfare representative one has to be sympathetic, understanding and vocal to ensure their responsibilities are met. I understand that effective communication is greatly valued and is a skill I've been able to develop greatly through my real work experience as well as various leadership roles. Being someone that has a very social and enthusiastic character I believe in my ability to gain the confidence of my fellow peers in order to broadcast their concerns to the relevant bodies. 

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I am currently a member of various societies, from sporting to cultural and educational. My aim is to ensure the needs and concerns of students are understood and are well represented in upcoming meetings. I want to ensure that new and existing society members are heard so we collectively create a more impactful time at UCL. I believe I can edge forward in tackling any concerns that may arise by being a safe point of contact for members to come to. I know how important clubs and societies impact our time at UCL and I hope to ensure the wellbeing and care for our students is of upmost priority.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

The health and happiness of the students is something I do not take lightly. By working closely with fellow committee members and the Welfare & Community Zone members, I will strive to create an open and inclusive environment. I am dedicated and prepared to put real effort in addressing matters which may unfold in hopes to put them to rest. I am confident in my ability to represent the students' matters at meetings and will ensure the relevant bodies will help enforce necessary changes appropriately.

I would like to reiterate that no one will be over looked!