Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

To create impactful change for all who identify as women at UCL I aim to:

  • Make free period products available throughout UCL
  • Implement accessible self-defence classes
  • Work towards a safer campus for women and ensure services like Report and Support are more widely advertised 
  • Co-ordinate with platforms such as UCL's 'Zine' to better circulate resources 
  • Ensure UCL listens to and supports victims of sexual abuse
  • Lobby for intersectionality to be central to all departments and the WN
  • Strengthen UCL's relationship with women's charities in London to increase the WN's impact
What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

As a second year English student whose strength lies in communication, I'm deeply committed to campaigning for meaningful change for all women at UCL. My time at an all-girls school instilled in me a responsibility to improve female experience. As Deputy-Head Girl I persevered and succeeded in conducting a sexual-harassment survey and introducing self-defence training and free period products. I hope to harness the experience I've acquired in volunteering for and representing the Girls Friendly Society at the national 'Festival of the Girl', to become a dynamic and effective member of the WN.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

My main goal is to ensure women at UCL feel safe, heard, supported and represented. My manifesto highlights the initial steps I would take to reduce barriers to women. Whilst I hope to raise awareness of key available resources, I will also draw attention to areas where UCL could better support our community. Fundamentally, student voices are the most effective way to promote inclusivity and progress at UCL and I would work to harness and elevate these voices. I am dedicated to and enthusiastic about these issues, so vote for me to see positive change for women at UCL.