Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I hope to voice the values, needs and political priorities of the UCL student body at a national level. National Union of Students are affiliated with around 600 student unions in the UK. Every year students face problems with mental health, accommodation, fees and costs, and student visas; the NUS provides an effective and prominent voice to the students and I will ensure that as an NUS delegate, I represent the views of our Union at the NUS National Conference so such problems are integrated and resolved in the next annual policy-making of the national union.

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I am studying History, Policy and Economics (final-year) where I have gotten the opportunity to learn and familiarize myself with political issues and policy-making processes. I believe this can help me present our Union's case at the conference. I have also been on the committee for Pakistan Society and Sign Language Society where I have collaborated with people from different backgrounds. I have learned to work well and communicate clearly & effectively within a team to achieve a collective objective. I am a friendly and approachable person so students can easily raise their concerns to me. 

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

As a NUS Delegate, I would like to ensure that all student voices (esp. of all marginalized and minority groups) are heard.

I aim to address visa issues so internationals can obtain their visa timely without disruptions to their studies plus have access to a visa extension after course completion. Work on tuition and accommodation fee reductions and find more avenues of gaining financial aids to make it more accessible and affordable (esp. for internationals).

I would like our UCL students to vote for me so I can represent their needs, values and concerns on the national level to the NUS who has the ability to lobby the government on these issues to find solutions.