Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Hello I’m Harriet – you'll have seen me as part of the Welcome Team! ?

I have spent the last 3 years as an active representative for our student community. Last year, I was voted IOE Academic Rep of the Year! 

I have a great track record of securing positive changes for students – I am now ready to do the same for the IOE. 

For me, no problem is too trivial or complex. Described as “tough” and “tenacious”, I happily take initiative in challenging situations.

I am a confident speaker and a friendly member of the student community, working to build a supportive, welcoming environment.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

My priority this year is to secure small changes with a wide impact. Here are my proposed targets as Faculty Rep for 22/23:  

? Fostering a sense of belonging for students within the Students Union.

? Co-creating a community of staff and students, abolishing an “us” and “them” mentality.  

❣️ Guaranteeing a fair and clear extenuating circumstances policy.

✅ Addressing the late release of assessment feedback.

? Ensuring that IOE offers free and accessible facilities for all students to heat food and get hot water – particularly crucial during the cost-of-living crisis.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

I am highly dedicated to my student rep work, and student voices will remain my utmost priority this year.

I am familiar with the workings and quirks of IOE, and I am keen to gain more new experiences and skills.

I am very friendly and approachable, and will be regularly reaching out to include students in the conversation.

I am excited to be able to work in partnership with students and staff to improve working and learning conditions at IOE and I would sincerely appreciate your support!

Let’s continue the conversation: find me on Twitter at @hazlett92  ?