It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

Every year we carry out research into the biggest issues facing you as students. Using this feedback to lobby for changes both within UCL and at a national level. Scroll down to see some of the highlights of our recent research and insight work, as well as some current opportunities to get involved and make sure that your voice is heard.

Current projects: Paid opportunities

All our work is underpinned by the insights of UCL student who take part in surveys, focus groups, and other research activities.

Click here to join our mailing list for opportunities to get involved in our research and insight work.

When you sign up and complete our first survey, you'll have a chance to win a one4all £20 voucher!

Completed projects

The Experiences of Transgender Students Accessing and Using The Gender Expression Fund

UCL main quad with studentsOur report, led by a student researcher, evaluating Students' Union UCL's Gender Expression Fund.

Access and Participation Plan Student Submission

Students walking in campusOur student submission for UCL's revised Access and Participation Plan

Cost of Living Research

Student looking to the right hand side, with graphical overlays showing financial charts and newspaper headlines regarding the cost of living. Student Cost of Living Report, commissioned by Russell Group Students' Unions.

Universities approach to tackling sexual misconduct and harassment

Student smiling at the camera, overlaid by the Active Bystander logo. Response to Office for Students consultation on how universities respond to and prevent sexual misconduct and harassment

Teaching Excellence Framework

Our submission for UCL's Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) submission

SU Insight and Evaluation Reports

Priorities for Education Reports

Published each May, the Priorities for Education reports consider the trends in student feedback on education during the academic year, delving deeper into the areas commented on most frequently, most negatively, and most positively

Three students chatting by a university building 2024

Two students are sat on the steps in the student centre looking at an iPad. 2023

Complete the online training 2022

Students in Main Library 2021


Priorities for Wellbeing Reports

Published each May, the Priorities for Wellbeing reports outline the main issues that have affected student wellbeing during the academic year, considering various aspects of mental, social and physical wellbeing.

girl weightss 2024

Students studying in a group 2022

Student 2021

Student UCL Residence 2019

Student Choice Awards Reports

Published each June, these reports highlight the best practice from nominations for our annual Student Choice Awards, showcasing what students have appreciated from UCL staff members within their university experience.

Group of students at the Portico 2024

The Education Officer, Hamza is stood in the middle of the stage speaking into a mic. The Provost, Michael Spence, is stood to Hamza's right. 2023

Education Awards 2022 2022

SCA 2015 2021

UCL Award 2020

Academic Representation Annual Reports

Usually published in the autumn term, these reports highlight the themes and issues that that arose in the previous year's Student-Staff Consultative Committees (SSCCs).

person with a jumper on 2021-22



This noticeboard includes shorter briefings on different areas of interest for UCL students, covering a mixture of UCL-specific topics and summaries of research conducted by different organisations in the UK related to Higher Education.

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Accenture and Cibyl Mental Health Report: A survey on mental health with more than 12,000 students across 140 U.K. universities conducted by Accenture and Cibyl between October and December 2020.

WonkHe & Trendence Survey: A survey conducted by WonkHe and Trendence on student retention and non-continuation to find out if students consider dropping out as an option and the reasons behind the consideration.

Arriving at Thriving: A report launched by Policy Connect and the Higher Education Commission in October 2020 that looks into the experiences of disabled people in Higher Education and recommendations for improvement.

Happiness Index: A research conducted by Endsleigh that aims to provide an annual benchmark for student happiness across the UK by measuring their current happiness and optimism for the future.

Student Minds - University Mental Health: Student Minds conducted three surveys and a secondary source research on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health and wellbeing of university students and staff.

Value of University Sport and Physical Activity: A report published by BUCS that provides information and recommendations for universities to review how they engage with sport and physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learning During Covid-19

NUS Covid-19 Student Survey Phase 2: A survey conducted by the National Union of Students (NUS) Insight to understand how students and recent graduates feel about the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

NUS Covid-19 Research Phases 3&4: Surveys conducted following the NUS Covid-19 Phase 1 & 2 research (see briefing above).

Gravity Assist Report: The Office for Students (OfS) published a report in February 2021 on the lessons learned on digital teaching and learning.

Jisc Digital Insights Survey: This survey provides organisations with data on how students and staff are using the technology they offer and suggest improvements to be made.

UCL Surveys & Reports

New to UCL Survey Headline Results: This survey assesses factors influencing student's decision to study at UCL and seeks feedback on the arrival and induction experience for new students (both undergraduate and postgraduate).

Strategic Plan 2022-27: Two discussion papers published by UCL on their Strategic plan in 2022-27. The first paper serves as an introduction to the Strategic plan’s vision, mission and values, while the second paper provides an analysis of some of the contextual factors which might impact the implementation of the strategy.

Unitu Student Survey April 2021: A survey conducted by UCL to evaluate students' awareness of the Unitu platform as well as their perception towards the quality and usefulness of the platform.

Face-to-face Teaching Survey Term 2: The Students’ Union conducted an online survey between January 13 – 17, 2022 to obtain student feedback on perceptions and preferences on face-to-face teaching in term 2.

National Surveys

NSS 2021 Headline Results: The result of the National Student Survey (NSS) that gathers opinions of all final year undergraduates in the UK on the quality of their courses.

NSS 2020 Headline Results: The result of the annual NSS conducted in 2020.

SAES 2021: The result of the Student Academic Experience Survey (SAES) 2021 conducted by Advance HE, the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI), and YouthSight between February and March 2021.

PTES 2020: The result of the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) organised by Advance HE that seeks feedback on the experience of postgraduate study.

PRES 2019: The result of the PRES (Postgraduate Research Experience Survey) co-ordinated by the Advance HE; opened to all Postgraduate Researchers who are normally Registered or in Thesis Awaited Status, excluding Visiting Research Students.

HESA 2020-2021 Data: The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) reports data annually on student numbers and characteristics, international students, subjects and qualifications, and location of study and accommodation.

Accommodation Costs Survey 2021: Unipol, a student housing charity, and the National Union for Students (NUS) conducted the 2021 Accommodation Costs Survey, reporting on student accommodation costs and stock.