It's Student Volunteering Week Make a difference 

Current student members53,422


Gender Number % of all members
F 45731 61.73
M 28183 38.04
O 165 0.22
R 2 0
X 1 0

Year of study

Year of study Number % of all members
0 38 0.05
1 44782 60.45
1A 510 0.69
1B 355 0.48
1C 41 0.06
1D 158 0.21
1E 21 0.03
1F 55 0.07
1U 444 0.6
1Y 851 1.15
2 10245 13.83
2A 186 0.25
2B 100 0.13
2C 51 0.07
2D 112 0.15
3 10905 14.72
3A 24 0.03
3B 10 0.01
3C 26 0.04
3D 51 0.07
4 3693 4.99
4A 16 0.02
4B 4 0.01
4C 2 0
5 735 0.99
5A 5 0.01
5B 6 0.01
5D 4 0.01
6 634 0.86
7 13 0.02


Age Number % of all members
under 18 5 0.01
18 - 21 16669 23.26
22 - 25 36670 51.16
26 - 29 7626 10.64
30+ 10707 14.94

Study mode

Study mode Number % of all members UCL code
Postgraduate (Taught) 33094 42.45 PGT
Postgraduate (Research) 8796 11.28 PGR
Undergraduate 36077 46.27 UG

Fee status

Fee status Number % of all members UCL code
UK 35634 45.73 H
Overseas 40513 51.99 O
European 1683 2.16 E
HC 0 0 HC
International 8 0.01 I
Unknown 87 0.11 X
OP 1 0 OP

Attendance mode

Attendance mode Number % of all members UCL code
Modular 3232 4.15 Modular
Part time 5893 7.56 PT
Full time 68841 88.3 FT


Department Number % of all members UCL code
Division of Medicine  0 0
UCL Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Institute for Women's Health 0 0 WOMEN_PHS
UCL-Q (UCL in Qatar) 0 0
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour 0 0
School of Pharmacy 2515 3.23 PHMCY_LIF
Institute of Archaeology 891 1.14 ARCLG_SHS
Philosophy 561 0.72 PHILO_ART
Division of Psychology and Language Sciences 4677 6 PSYLA_BRN
Chemistry 1205 1.55 CHEMS_MAP
Biochemical Engineering 592 0.76 BENGN_ENG
UCL Medical School 2549 3.27 UCLMS_MDS
Division of Infection and Immunity 251 0.32 INFEC_MDS
Division of Biosciences 3440 4.41 BIOSC_LIF
Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering 1172 1.5 CIVLG_ENG
SSEES - School of Slavonic and East European Studies [previous department code] 111 0.14 SSEES_SES
History of Art 425 0.55 HARTD_SHS
Physics and Astronomy 1549 1.99 PHYSA_MAP
Computer Science 2484 3.19 COMPS_ENG
Science and Technology Studies 438 0.56 SCITS_MAP
Anthropology 1229 1.58 ANTHR_SHS
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology 831 1.07 QSION_BRN
Eastman Dental Institute 328 0.42 EASTD_MDS
Bartlett School of Architecture 2284 2.93 BSARC_BEN
Institute of Cardiovascular Science 183 0.23 CARDI_PHS
Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources 1172 1.5 BSEER_BEN
Division of Surgery and Interventional Science 974 1.25 SURGS_MDS
Bartlett School of Planning 1078 1.38 BSPLN_BEN
UCL GOS Institute of Child Health 755 0.97 GOSCH_PHS
Institute of the Americas 397 0.51 AMERC_SHS
History 1404 1.8 HISTR_SHS
Earth Sciences 494 0.63 EARTH_MAP
Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment 1534 1.97 CURPA_IOE
Learning and Leadership 1289 1.65 LEARN_IOE
Cancer Institute 358 0.46 CANCR_MDS
Development Planning Unit 469 0.6 DEVPU_BEN
Economics 2203 2.83 ECONS_SHS
Security and Crime Science 596 0.76 SECUR_ENG
Geography 1325 1.7 GEOGR_SHS
Political Science 1731 2.22 POLSC_SHS
Mathematics 1465 1.88 MATHS_MAP
Space and Climate Physics 351 0.45 SPACE_MAP
Mechanical Engineering 1593 2.04 MECHN_ENG
Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 827 1.06 MPHBE_ENG
Information Studies 488 0.63 INFST_ART
Social Science 3 0 SOCSC_IOE
Statistical Science 931 1.19 STATS_MAP
Psychology and Human Development 1290 1.65 PSYHD_IOE
Electronic and Electrical Engineering 1098 1.41 ELECN_ENG
Education, Practice and Society 1473 1.89 EDPAS_IOE
Culture, Communication and Media 2151 2.76 CULCM_IOE
Institute of Ophthalmology 389 0.5 OPHTH_BRN
Institute of Health Informatics 435 0.56 HEINF_PHS
Centre for Multidisciplinary and Intercultural Inquiry 789 1.01 MUDIC_ART
Institute for Global Prosperity 284 0.36 BSIGP_BEN
Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology 49 0.06 LMCBL_LIF
Chemical Engineering 1153 1.48 CENGN_ENG
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis 336 0.43 CASAN_BEN
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour 49 0.06 SWNCB_LIF
English Language and Literature 701 0.9 ENGLS_ART
Risk and Disaster Reduction 453 0.58 RADRE_MAP
Division of Psychiatry 360 0.46 PSYAT_BRN
UCL School of Management 2804 3.6 MANAG_ENG
Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management 14 0.02 BSCPM_BEN
Ear Institute 150 0.19 EARIN_BRN
Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care 628 0.81 EPIHC_PHS
Centre for Mathematics, Physics and Engineering in the Life Sciences and Experimental Biology 6 0.01 CMPLX_ENG
Institute for Global Health 387 0.5 GLOBH_PHS
Natural Sciences 600 0.77 NATSC_MAP
Slade School of Fine Art 372 0.48 SLADE_ART
Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy 191 0.24 STEPP_ENG
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit 28 0.04 GATSB_LIF
UCL Institute of Education 153 0.2 EDUCA_IOE
School of European Languages, Culture and Society 1323 1.7 SELCS_ART
Greek and Latin 352 0.45 GRKLT_ART
Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose 144 0.18 BSIPP_BEN
Centre for Languages and International Education 354 0.45 LANIE_IOE
Arts and Sciences BASc 127 0.16 BASCO_ART
European and International Social and Political Studies 604 0.77 EISPS_ART
Hebrew and Jewish Studies 71 0.09 HEBRW_ART
Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology 114 0.15 IOCTM_PHS
European Social and Political Studies 0 0 EUSPS_ART
Centre for Languages and International Education 0 0 LANIE_ART
Laws [department] 1936 2.48 LAWSD_LAW
Division of Medicine 1256 1.61 MEDCN_MDS
Institute of Neurology 0 0 NEURO_BRN
UCL Qatar 0 0 UCL-Q_INT
Engineering Sciences [department] 0 0 ENGSC_ENG
Risk and Disaster Reduction 0 0 RSKDR_MAP


Faculty Number % of all members UCL code
Laws 1936 2.48 LAW
Other Academic Units outside the faculty structure 0 0
Other 0 0
Life Sciences 6080 7.8 LIF
Social & Historical Sciences 9625 12.34 SHS
Arts & Humanities 7916 10.15 ART
Brain Sciences 6425 8.24 BRN
Mathematical & Physical Sciences 7772 9.97 MAP
Engineering 12516 16.05 ENG
Medical Sciences 5717 7.33 MDS
Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment 6951 8.92 BEN
Population Health Sciences 3748 4.81 PHS
Institute of Education 9187 11.78 IOE
SSEES - School of Slavonic and East European Studies [Faculty] 94 0.12 SES

Caring responsibility

Caring responsibility Number % of all members UCL code
None 25675 82.46 N
Child/children under 18 1086 3.49 C
Do not wish to disclose 1177 3.78 D
Adult family member, friend or neighbour 1024 3.29 A
Both adult and child support 240 0.77 B
9 1936 6.22 9