Union Policy UP1111 Motion to support Right to Education Proposer: Layth Hanbali Seconder: Luke Durigan Edwin Clifford-Coupe Passed: Union Council, 15 November 2011 Lapses: 14 November 2013 This union notes: 1. That the brutal Israeli military Occupation has placed ninety-nine fixed checkpoints in addition to hundreds of roadblocks which compromise Palestinians’ movement within their land. (October 2010)1 2. That 69 Palestinian women have given birth on Israeli checkpoints, leading to 34 miscarriages.2 3. That an estimated 9000 students from An-Najah University, 57% of the total student population, regularly cross one or more checkpoints to reach the University. 4. That a survey found that 91% of students from An-Najah crossing checkpoints have missed classes because of delays at checkpoints. 5. That in the same survey, 64% reported physical abuse at checkpoints.3 6. That the head of Bir Zeit University’s Students’ Union was charged with belonging to an ‘illegal organisation’ and ‘holding a position of responsibility’ within the organisation [the Students’ Union]4 7. That on 17 January 2009, the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) school in Beit Lahiya was attacked with white phosphorous shells, the use of which is illegal in built up areas.5 8. That on Sunday 28th of December 2008, Israeli warplanes bombed the Gaza University, inflicting heavy damages on the university’s buildings and facilities, estimated at $15million,6 as well as tens of other schools, including the American International School, in the period between 27th December 2008 and 18th of January 2009. 9. That in 2008, Israel was preventing 625 students from leaving Gaza to pursue higher education abroad.7 10. That the separation wall, under construction in theWest Bank, declared illegal by the International Court of Justice, is being built on land owned by Al-Quds University in theWest Bank and cuts it off from 36% of its students.89 This union believes: 1. That everyone, regardless of nationality, ethnicity or place of residence, has a right to education. 2. That obstacles placed in the way of students trying to fulfil their right to education are unjustifiable. 3. That the actions of the Israeli state towards the education of Palestinian students are unacceptable. 4. That in line with the Union’s ethical investment policy, the British government should immediately stop arms sales and purchase to and from Israel. 5. That UCLU and UCL, including the student and staff bodies, have a responsibility to campaign for Right to Education of Palestinian students and other students prevented from accessing education. This union resolve: 6. To support Bir Zeit University’s Right to Education Campaign. 7. To support the International Week of Action called for by the aforementioned campaign. 8. To twin UCLU with Al-Quds University students union. 9. To organise the placement of a wooden placard in the UCL Union building stating “UCL Union is twinned with Al-Quds University, Abu Dis, Palestine”. 10. To be in regular correspondence, no less frequent than once every 6 weeks, with Bir Zeit University and their Students’ Union to get updates on the situation on the ground. 11. To send messages of support to Palestinian Universities and their Students’ Union, emphasising UCLU’s belief in the universal Right to Education and to encourage members of UCLU to do so too. 12. To contact Friends of Bir Zeit University to request regular updates on the situation of Palestinian students and to offer moral support. 13. To hold a termly video conference with students from Bir Zeit University, inviting all students to attend. This union mandates: 1. The Democracy and Communications Officer to effect Resolves 3 and 4. 2. The Democracy and Communications Officer to send details of the Right to Education Campaign to all UCL students in an e-mail, encouraging them to correspond with students in Palestine with the help of UCLU Friends of Palestine. 3. The Education and Campaigns Officer and the Union Chair to effect resolves 5 and 6. 4. The Education and Campaigns Officer and the Education Officer to support UCLU Friends of Palestine in their participation in the upcoming Right to Education InternationalWeek of Action and any future Right to Education Campaigns. 5. The Education and Campaigns Officer to write to the Provost and others in UCL management on a monthly basis, demanding that UCL does not engage in research projects that may benefit the Israeli army and requesting updates on such links. 1 http://www.btselem.org/freedom_of_movement/checkpoints_and_forbidden_roads 2 http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article5820.shtml 3 http://right2edu.birzeit.edu/news/article495 4 http://right2edu.birzeit.edu/news/article506 5 Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Report, “Targeted Civilians: APCHR Report on the Israeli Military Offensive against the Gaza strip (27 December 2008 – 18 January 2009)”, 22 October 2009, http://www.pchrgaza.org/ 6 Report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict ('the Goldstone Report'), http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/specialsession/9/docs/UNFFMGC_Report.pdf 7 GISHA, January 1, 2008 “Despite the State Attorney Office’s Commitment to High Court Israel Still Preventing at least 625 Students from Leaving Gaza” http://www.gisha.org 8Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, International Court of Justice, http://www.icj-cij.org/docket/files/131/1677.pdf 9 http://www.miftah.org/display.cfm?DocId=2381&CategoryId=2 --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------