Remuneration Committee shall be a committee of the Board of Trustees.


  • Chair of the Board of Trustees (Chair)
  • Two External Trustees appointed by the Board of Trustees

In attendance shall be:

  • Chief Executive, where appropriate

No member of Remuneration Committee may stand in any elections for sabbatical officer positions.


The Committee shall have overall responsibility for considering the remuneration of the Chief Executive and Sabbatical Officers, and proposals regarding broader staff remuneration.

The Remuneration Committee shall:

  1. Recommend and monitor the level and structure of remuneration for the Chief Executive and Sabbatical Officers.
  2. Oversee any major changes in employee remuneration and benefits structures throughout the Union.
  3. Have authority to commission any reports or surveys which it deems necessary to help fulfil its obligations.
  4. Report to the Board of Trustees (Union Executive and Finance Committee where appropriate), through submission of the minutes for each meeting of the Committee.

Quorum: The quorum of Remuneration Committee shall be 100% of the membership.

Frequency of meetings: At least once a year.

Chair: Deniz Akinci, Union Affairs Officer

Upcoming Meetings: