Tuition fee loan:

In order to obtain the tuition fee loan, UK or EU part-time students need to be enrolled into 25% or more of the courses that full-time students are required to study. The programme must qualify under one of the following categories:

  • First degree (e.g. BA, BSc or BEd)
  • Foundation degree
  • Certificate of Higher Education
  • Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE)
  • Higher National Certificate (HNC)
  • Higher National Diploma (HND)
  • Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE)
  • Initial Teacher Training

Eligible part-time students will be able to receive up to £6,750 tuition fee loan per annum.

More information is available here at:

Tuition fee grant:

Amount of grant:

Part-time students can receive a maximum of £1,270 depending on the course intensity. If your annual household income is more than £25,420, you will not be eligible for the grant. Recipients of the grants do not have to pay back the amount received.



Course intensity


Amount of tuition fee grant

50 – 59% of the full-time degree


A maximum of £845 or the fee amount at the university or college, whichever is lower

60 – 74% of the full-time degree


A maximum of £1,015 or the fee amount at the university or college, whichever is lower

75% or more of the full-time degree


A maximum of £1,270 or the fee amount at the university or college, whichever is lower



  • Part-time students are not eligible to receive the grant if they already have qualifications which are the same or higher than the one they are pursuing. In the case of students who did not finish a previous degree but are now pursuing a new course, they can only receive funding for the duration of the course minus the number of years that they have obtained the grant.


  • Your course intensity must be minimally 50% of the full-time degree.


  • Application must be submitted before the end of the ninth month in the academic year.


Course grant:

Amount of grant:

Course grant is meant to help part-time students with paying the costs of books, transport and other course-related expenditures. The amount of grant is as follows:

Annual household income


Amount of course grant

Up to £26,029


A grant of £275

£26,030 - £28,064


£275 minus £1 for every £9.05 of annual income above £26,030




£28,066 and above


Ineligible for the grant


Eligibility requirements:

Same requirements as the tuition fee grant

There is more information at